
Final note to readers

After bringing you cleantech news from the Midwest for nearly three years, Centered has ceased publication. We are a grant-funded project, and unfortunately the funding expires at the end of 2022. Thank you for reading and supporting Centered. I believe this publication filled a gap that other media doesn’t adequately address. Numerous readers have expressed…

Students help to develop tool that alerts public to dangerous heat

It might not seem like it this week as blizzard conditions are hitting the Midwest, but dangerous heat levels over the past few years have been breaking records. Graduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are working with a climatologist to gather data to inform a public heat warning system that’s based on health outcomes.…

SPARKs fly: University team builds and races electric motorcycles

Michigan is known as an auto development hub, including for electric vehicles, but cars aren’t the only modes of transportation being advanced there. Engineering students at the University of Michigan are designing, building, and racing their own electric motorcycles.  SPARK launched in 2013 as a student organization that converted motorcycles that run on internal combustion…

Novel hybrid material welding process opens door to lighter, more efficient vehicles

All-steel or all-aluminum vehicle structures currently dominate the auto industry. Manufacturing the structures out of both metal and plastic could make vehicles lighter, more efficient, stronger, and safer. But quickly and cheaply joining those two types of materials to create a hybrid structure is a long-standing problem. Engineers at the University of Michigan are pushing…

Great Lakes platform aims to be a go-to source for waterway data

Data is everywhere, and more is being collected as sensors and other Internet of Things devices become more common. The Great Lakes Observing System launched Seagull, a cloud-based platform, to give people in the Great Lakes region access to a plethora of real-time data about their surrounding waterways. Seagull brings together data harvested from the…

Man-made rocks show promise as a carbon capture solution

Scientists and entrepreneurs across the world are working on innovations to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and ease the gas’s impact on climate change. While some focus on preventing CO2 from being released in the first place, such as with low- or no-carbon transportation technologies, others are perfecting methods for grabbing…


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